
3 Ways Parallel Events Can Beat Inflation


Conceding doesn’t always mean defeat. Inflation is an unpredictable challenge, and it comes on quick. Luckily with advances in technology and event design, we as event organizers, have plenty of options to include in our toolkit as a secondary plan, specifically parallel events.

In reference to events, inflation affects things such as transportation costs, travel logistics and organization budgets, it’s essential to have a plan in place for prevention as opposed to reaction. If an in-person event is the hammer in a toolkit, the parallel event format is the nail. A parallel event can extend your content and audience reach, while offering an additional access point for participants who want to attend.

Let’s explore three ways parallel events can help to ease inflation within the industry.

Prevents the need to cancel or reschedule

With inflation and a potential recession, unnecessary travel will be the first thing that organizations cut from their budget. Parallel events are designed to focus on a digital audience and provide a nice option to ensure all your attendees have a chance to interact with your content, organization, and sponsors.

Continuous engagement

Parallel events create an additional path for ongoing engagement with supplementary content. On demand content is just as important as live session content and provides the opportunity to add more, revise or clarify information. In addition, it can provide easier direct access to speakers and content creators.

Decreases the onsite budget

Compliment anxiety with assurance. Hosting a parallel event in tandem with an in-person event can positively impact the onsite budget.  By promoting an alternate option to attending in-person, some attendees may opt to participate online, decreasing the onsite attendance, thus decreasing the budget for food, beverage, and resources. Trust us, this should be seen as a positive.

While inflation and other unexpected circumstances are not things we like to think about and plan for, it’s imperative that we do. Our attendees trust us to keep their best interests top of mind as they support and drive our content and brand. Educating ourselves on multiple event formats is our own form of insurance in the success of our future events in all situations.

Interested in learning more? Join us for the Parallel Event Summit: Paving the Way for Audience Focused Experiences on June 28thRegister today!

Looking for more details and tips for starting your journey on parallel events? Download our eBook now!



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