ZOLL Billing: Global Teams Unite


At the height of the pandemic, ZOLL’s global, distributed sales team had not seen each other in-person for over 18 months. As the most important sales event in the ZOLL calendar, they needed to find a way to bring fun, flexibility, and engagement to the programming in multiple time zones and languages.


With an incredibly dense curriculum, the sales teams were required to listen and consume content for up to three hours per day. To keep everyone engaged, beedance created five themed networking buildings, which leveraged high-quality video and audio in a table setting, providing a private video conferencing space. Participants could join or leave each table based upon the conversation and were encouraged to wear costumes that aligned with the themes.


Across the two-week sales conference, ZOLL hosted twenty-three themed networking experiences. The Global Sales Teams could network and move in a similar way to a physical setting.

ZOLL EMS Billing


May 2021