3 Crucial Challenges for Onsite Events in 2022

As event planners, we are used to curve balls thrown in our direction just before an event. Still, with a combination of pandemic aftershocks and rises in fuel costs, combined with global inflation we need to investigate preventative action as opposed to reactionary adjustments. Let’s look at three obvious challenges hitting events right now and […]
Not All Delivery Modes Are Created Equal

Understanding the best and most engaging way to deliver content to an audience is key. There are varying reasons and costs involved in the development and delivery of different modes of content, and as a result it’s important to understand which delivery method you wish to utilize. First, let’s look at the delivery modes you […]
How to Make the Most Out of Your Event Content

As events continue to transform post pandemic, it’s important to focus on maximizing content life cycles. Typically, event planners think of content as Live in Person, Hybrid (Onsite & Remote) Parallel or On Demand, and the content length is determined by the agenda. At beedance we work diligently with our clients to ensure that they […]
In-Person, Sensory Overload – it’s a thing!

It’s been some time since we have been able to have in-person events and diving back in after a year can be a little overwhelming. Read how Emma King feels about the overloading sensation and how we can consider protecting against it.
Virtual Event Fatigue? Part 2

As part of our consultancy work, we are seeing so much feedback that 2020 events due to the speed of delivery often missed the mark for many companies. Last week I shared some experiences that if strategy had been leveraged BEFORE the event they could have been avoided. Today I want to focus on situations where education is necessary […]
Virtual Event Fatigue?

Ever had a hangover, where you think back on the experience of the previous day and reflect on some of the choices you made and feel regretful? I feel like some companies have a huge hangover from 2020 and the choices they made to deliver a virtual event. Forced by the pandemic to pivot, companies fell into several traps which are not uncommon, but which […]
UEFA European Championships – what can be learned about their Hybrid Model?

So ends, the first weekend of UEFA European Championships, and what a weekend! Our thoughts are with Denmark’s Christian Eriksen & his family, and it was great to see the fans at the games bringing song, support and energy to the players.
Friends: The BIG Reunion and the BIGGER Pivot

Who watched The Friends Reunion? I could not help reflecting on the famous scene where Ross purchased the couch but decided not to purchase the delivery service and think about the last 18 months in the events industry.
Top 5 Do’s and Dont’s of Going Virtual

In this video I share my Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts for how to successfully convert content designed for an in-person event to an online experience.