INTA Members Enjoy Multi-Channel Education and Collaboration


Amid the ongoing global pandemic in 2021, INTA needed to find a way to remotely deliver quality education to members, while also finding a way to provide them with rich networking and engagement opportunities. With a market oversaturated with solutions, which one could meet their needs?


INTA partnered with beedance to construct a strategic business model that utilized a number of different solutions to help them meet their immediate needs while also providing a long-term strategy for a future of hybrid experiences for their members.


As a result of this project, beedance was able to help INTA by providing a clear vision and guidance on how they could transform their existing sponsorship models and implement year-round business development programs to perpetuate sustainable growth in their growing global community. The success continues to be heard from their members and sponsors alike.


CLIENT: International Trademark Association (INTA)


April and November, 2021